Non-surgical approaches customized to your needs.
Our approach
When someone experiences an occlusion problem or tissue damage to the head, neck and face, it is important to have an evaluation by a trained and qualified Orofacial Pain clinician. Our team will consider your medical history, study your clinical findings and review your previous dental treatments and experiences with pain to develop a treatment plan.
We provide non-surgical, diagnostically-driven dental therapy offering treatment of TMD and muscle pain, including headaches, jaw joint and facial pain.
Learn more about how we manufacture patient appliances on-site.
Our services
Our office performs a full examination of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), head, neck and facial region, x-rays and, occasionally, an MRI evaluation. Through this approach, we can objectively determine the extent of the injury and arrive at a realistic prognosis. A custom-made orthotic (“splint”) is often prescribed for orthopedic and musculoskeletal stabilization. Once pain is controlled, the jaw joint is stabilized and the bite is balanced so that teeth, muscles, and joints work together without strain or pain.
Additional therapies are also possible such as medication management, nerve blocks, trigger point therapy, compounded topical pain relievers, Botox injections, biofeedback and patient education regarding lifestyle management and control of oral habits such as clenching and grinding of the teeth.
Because problems associated with the jaw joints can be progressive, accurate and immediate diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Of course, interdisciplinary management with supporting healthcare professionals results in the most effective treatment, which we can recommend on a case-by-case basis.
If you are interested in learning more about our approach and services, please contact us.